I had a few mid-month additions to the gallery at JBS that I didn't have a chance to share so thought I'd post them today. One thing I love about Jenni's kits is all the vintage elements she includes. I love integrating the old with the new, like this vintage label (the sunshine yellow color is brilliant for a piece of vintage ephemera)! The second layout has patterned paper and chipboard from 7 Gypsies - I love the multicolors against the white background.
Here's quite a few more Pierrots -- we're getting close to the last of the Pierrots!
Mind if I share a bit of personal happiness with you today? It's a relief that I don't have to keep this a secret anymore; I am pretty terrible at keeping happy secrets. Joining this team has been a long cherished dream of mine. There is nothing that this company produces that I do not love; I have consistently been inspired and swept away by their tradeshow booth, their exceptional product line, the work of their immensely talented creative team, and their Old World aesthetic. To be able to call myself a Gypsy Girl is such an honor. I am thrilled and excited to be "running away and joining the Gypsies"! Thanks for letting me share!
On to the Pierrots -- plenty more Pierrots on the way --- hope you can tolerate them for another post or two.
The story of Pierrot, Columbine and Harlequin is one that is said to have originated in Turkey some 4000 years ago, but rose to popularity during its appearance in the Commedia del Arte during the Italian Renaissance. The story was fashioned to Parisian tastes by Jean-Gaspard Debureau, a Bohemian-French actor and mime who popularized the Pierrot character through his silent mimes. The story of Pierrot is one of unrequited love. Pierrot is often seen as a moonstruck, naive and foolish character who pines after the lovely Columbine. Eventually, she betrays him and leaves him for Harlequin. Pierrot is also found in the popular French song Au Clair de la Lune.
I created this piece for Seven Gypsies using a Pierrot-like vintage image, along with some of their new Barcelona papers, ATC decoratif chipboard and a Seven Gypsies parenthesis shaped chipboard piece. I painted gesso over the papers to tone the colors down. I also fashioned a fabric flower from a napkin printed with french words and glittered up the fabric edges with glass glitter, using a miniature Seven Gypsies vintage frame as a center for the flower. Included above is the image I used in this piece. Feel free to use it for your own projects along with the additional images below - they'd be great for halloween or birthday projects, as the Pierrot costume has long been popular. Enjoy!
Fairy godmother, magical glitter dust keeper, story teller, dreamer, and artist.
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